Update on CMF and COVID-19!
Thank you for your increased patience as we strive to offer the same high level of support and service with the evolving COVID-19 situation. We are responding to the pandemic by offering opportunities for you to help the most vulnerable on our fields around the world. Please go here to learn more and give. CMF is limiting all non-essential domestic and international travel ​at this time. If you are a U.S. partner, we recommend that you not travel to visit CMF missionaries or projects until after May 1.

Transforming lives + communities

Exchange Intern

You can serve in campus ministry while studying internationally

Our Globalscope program is your opportunity to serve with a cutting-edge campus ministry and have the support of a Christian community during your study abroad semester.


As a study abroad intern serving with the ministry, you will be an integral part of building new relationships with national students on campus. You will also enjoy these benefits:

  • Enhance your study abroad experience. While enrolled in courses overseas through your US university program, your part-time work at the campus house will be a great way to heighten your cultural experience.
  • Build the campus ministry by serving. Develop relationships, lead small groups, assist the worship band, help with outreach, make announcement videos, fix computers, wash dishes, cook, do maintenance, and lots more.
  • Immerse yourself in a new culture and language to increase your learning and help you feel more at home. Depending on the field and your university program requirements, you will have the opportunity to live with a host family, with national students in dormitories, with other exchange students, or in the campus ministry house.
  • Participate in extracurricular activities that build relationships with students. There are opportunities through intramural or varsity sports, art or dance classes, teaching English, and working on community projects.
  • Grow in personal and spiritual discipline. Study abroad interns meet weekly for study, worship, and prayer (in English) to help you grow as individuals and as a team.


Sound amazing? Email exchange@cmfi.org or go here to start the application process!

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Frequently asked questions about serving as an Exchange Intern:

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