The United Republic of Tanzania is located on the east coast of Africa, just south of Kenya. Its economy is based mostly on agriculture. About 54 percent of the population lists some form of Christianity as their religion. Widespread poverty is a challenge, and many areas require development assistance with schools, roads, clean water and agriculture.
Church planting team
The training of national church planters at the CMF training center in Arusha is the heartbeat of the team’s ministry in Tanzania. The whole family — husband, wife and children — is trained and equipped for ministry. We empower with knowledge in the areas of Bible knowledge, Community Health Evangelism (CHE) strategies, marriage and family, health, microenterprise, farming methods, literacy and basic foundations of education for children to prepare families for community transformation. After leaving the program the students receive encouragement, oversight and more training.
Church planting is another large facet of the work. The team focuses on equipping national leaders to plant churches in their own cultural context. This strategy has proven to be an excellent way forward in this country. Using a holistic approach, they train leaders to reach their own people so that God’s church can be firmly rooted and grow into a flourishing, life-transforming presence in Tanzania.
The Good News is not good news until it resonates in the care of physical needs in a person’s life. CMF team members meet basic healthcare needs through established clinics, mobile clinics, immunizations, CHE programs, care during droughts and famine and HIV/AIDS education and programs as a means of sharing the love of Jesus.